How to create a space between paragraphs in HTML

The standard margin and padding which is applied by browsers to a paragraph, normally creates some space in between the different paragraphs keeping the content well-arranged and readable. Nevertheless in some occasions the margin and padding are not sufficient or they are for whatever reason overruled. To avoid such issues various methods are available to create additional paragraph space in HTML:

CSS Solution (recommended)

You can directly call up the paragraphs concerned in the CSS or you can choose to add a class to the paragraphs which require a break line in between. Upon adding a class the paragraphs concerned can be called up by the CSS and can be given a margin or padding:


<p>Paragraph content</p>
<p>Paragraph content</p>
<p>Paragraph content</p>

margin: 0 0 10px 0;


padding: 0 0 10px 0;

HTML Solution

Make use of the br tag. This tag needs to be placed in between two paragraphs in order to create a line break. If needed several br tags can be added. For some larger space we would advise the CSS solution though.


<p>Paragraph content</p>
<p>Paragraph content</p>
<p>Paragraph content</p>

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